Éloge de la diversité et de la fraîcheur

Praise of diversity and freshness

We all know that the image of women in the fashion industry is still quite stereotypical although this is changing. This also concerns the lingerie sector with two majority profiles in advertisements: Women with shapes “as it should” and “where it should” (the question of what this means and its relevance is a real subject but that is not the subject of this article), thin waist and flat stomach, tapered legs, firm and plump breasts. Or even, ethereal young women. No judgment on my part, because these women are part of our society, and it must be admitted that these campaigns are generally very aesthetic.

Recently, the lingerie brand Chantelle came to disrupt this well-established landscape. Its advertising campaign is currently appearing in the streets of Paris, its metro, and in fashion magazines.

I first caught a glimpse of her in Marie-Claire. I absentmindedly turned the page, continued to leaf through the magazine, and then went back, aware that something had disturbed me, but unable to identify it. And then I understood. A full page showing a model far from stereotypes. I scan the page and, little by little, these “normal” elements jump out at me, but they are so new in this universe that they stand out: shapes, a little rounded stomach, breasts of the right shape and size. all quite standard, freckles, a tattoo, a young woman - Tehya Elam - with unexpected beauty.

Also innovative is the lingerie she wears: one size, ultra stretch and comfortable, a range designed to no longer have to undergo fitting in the cabin and above all a range which accompanies the woman throughout the seasons and possible metamorphoses of the silhouette. Small or large size. Brilliant and uninhibiting.

And implicitly, two very “refreshing” convictions:

  • The certainty that the canons of beauty are complex, multiple and diverse.
  • It is not up to women to adapt to the shape of their (under) clothing but for (under) clothing to adapt to their body shape!

It's a beautiful day !

Sabine, creator of Atelier 312 – casually elegant blouses & dresses for women from 42 to 52

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